Paani Da Rang
Listen to this beautiful song written and sung by Ayushman Khurana
The lyrics eloquently capture the essence of love. They paint a vivid picture from the perspective of someone deeply in love. As this person gazes upon water, it becomes a poignant reminder of their beloved. The longing to reunite with their love is soulfully expressed, creating a beautiful and heartfelt sentiment.
The present situation of Water, for most of us in large cities like Bengaluru, is similar and the word water, is bringing in all the emotions expressed in the song, there are soul wrenching situations are emerging in few locations, where the households are without a drop of water, which we took it for granted.
Come summer, for last many years, across large cities this has been the point of discussion, the trend has been starting January, the murmur around the upcoming water crisis is discussed in apartment complex corridors, whatsapp groups, in print, online and TV media (few even running special series), the fever increases as the summer months come along, with discussions on in creasing maintenance charges in lieu of increase in water tanker rates, the water mafia playing the Don, the government like shown in the movies stepping into the scene at the fag end of the crisis trying to work around with neighbouring states for more inflows of water, transporting water through goods train and further on.
From citizens side, these month see creative ideas to conserve water, rain water harvesting from up-coming rains, optimising borewells, usage of tap filters to reduce the flows and tweaks in pressure to ensure that water is used to the minimum required.
If we all go through the RWA whatsapp group history of chats the trend will be quite visible, in few cases the season starts with low pressure of water in the shower, discovering the rain water pit in the backyard which is fully clogged as that was forgotten after last summer and rain water was not conserved in the rains and there is also arm chair citizen activism on check on the neighbourhood on water wastage
All these enthusiasm dies down like a fad after the first spell of rains and if the rains are the delayed, the discussion continues, with the extended summers across in last few years because of the El Nino effect, climate change, we are now experiencing almost 6 month of heat conditions and its impact on water supply.
The other reason is also unplanned urbanisations, we have been constructing habitats on river beds, along side the river flows, encroaching lake sides and reclaiming land from the water bodies, in fact we have re-written the Thirsty Crow Story.
In our thirst for greed, we have encroached the water sources and filled them with land mass, refilling them and building hi rises in the name of Waterfronts, with many of them just having dry borewells, thus leaving the residents with only pebbles and no water anywhere to drink or for use.
The ideas of water conservation are lost in the remaining part of the year by the governments and the citizens are the narratives and media discourse changes with the season and weather. This leading to this grave situation.
Few governments across the states, this year swung into action after few citizen groups raising the issues and with the election season coinciding with the summers, to avoid the thirsty voters from hurling stones than casting their vote, they have started regulating the water mafia which had almost doubled the water tanker rates.
The government has now brought all the water tankers under the regulated sphere, thus creating further stress in already demanding situation as the tanker owners do not want to miss out the season of quick buck, to circumvent the government crackdown on movement of un-registered tankers during the day, the demand for tanker supplying water at exorbitant pricing in night has gone up. The government is also trying to divert the milk tankers to supply water and meet the demand with regulated pricing, hope there is no impact on the milk supply. Kindly check for the dilution in the milk supplied next time.
Water is and will be the major challenge in days to come, this needs a continued and strategic framework to be handle, all stake holders, the governments, the citizens, the machinery to work together, not only during the summers but also during the rains, to ensure that the water harvesting is done meaningfully, the water conservation measures need not be only restricted during summer but across the seasons, the self discipline in urban habitats is most important, its high time we don't take the luxury of tap water granted, as the hinterlands have been living with such shortages for years and have instilled discipline in water consumption.
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