
Neuralinks - nava apāyaḥ, nava ajata

 The latest obsession of Elon musk is Neuralinks, he is the best brand ambassador to happen to something as niche as Neuralinks, it's already on everyones mind. The breakthrough brain chip designed and developed by company promoted by Elon musk which state it's mission as  "Create a generalized brain interface to restore autonomy to those with unmet medical needs today and unlock human potential tomorrow." While the first implant has been made for the clinical trials and the patient has been inte rviewed last week, this emerging technology has been dubbed to support greater good through brain- computer interfaces, which has the potential to change the lives for better, this will bring the technology from lab into the peoples home. The Implant is fully implantable, cosmetically invisible, and designed to let the patient to control a computer or mobile device anywhere on the go. The needles are thinner than the hair, the  The N1 Implant is hermetically sealed in a bioco

Bridge O Bridge don't flyover

Bangalore traffic police released an advisory to all commuters to be choose alternatives to the Hebbal flyover connecting the airport to KR Puram and into the eastern suburbs of busy and bustling IT hub, the timeline for the expansion of the bridge / flyover is stated as four months.  This is an important link into the city and connecting , east to west corridors of the city, including three major IT clusters  All whatsapp groups, X handles carried a  huge uproar about already cramped and jammed roads on this stretch, few even commented that this will go on till 2029 elections model code of conduct are announced. That is the trust the citizens have on BDA as there are many such sagas of under construction Bridges / flyovers across Bangalore City which the citizens have endlessly waited to be constructed or are under construction, generations are lost in anticipation of a free and smooth traffic conditions. The story remains the same across large megapolies, all corporation end up deliv

Featival of Democracy, all are invited

The bugle has been blown, the festival announced, throwing the country into frenzy, The corridors are buzzing, the markets are in pendulum motion, the prime times extended and the debates are at the highest decible. The print, social, physical media are in a huddle playing the cart wheel and predicting the juggernaut. Every corner of the country and age group is in discussion mode, the tea is overflowing at the corner of the street,  the corner rooms are getting aligned, adjusted and bonds unbinded, coalitions regrouped, the shopping fervour for the festival is picking pace, wallets loaded and price tags pinned. Are the revelers equally enticed, are they excited are they ready to participate in the dance, get tranced in the faith of democracy. Is the devotee the deity or the deity wants to appeal to a large population of devotees. Will time tell a different story of, halfed participation by the devotees, atheist attitude towards democracy, without exercising the vote, the b

Paani Da Rang

Listen to this beautiful song written and sung by Ayushman Khurana The lyrics eloquently capture the essence of love. They paint a vivid picture from the perspective of someone deeply in love. As this person gazes upon water, it becomes a poignant reminder of their beloved. The longing to reunite with their love is soulfully expressed, creating a beautiful and heartfelt sentiment. The present situation of Water, for most of us in large cities like Bengaluru, is similar and the word water, is bringing in all the emotions expressed in the song, there are soul wrenching situations are emerging in few locations, where the households are without a drop of water, which we took it for granted. Come summer, for last many years, across large cities this has been the point of discussion, the trend has been starting January, the murmur around the upcoming water crisis is discussed in apartment complex corridors, whatsapp groups, in print, online and TV

Park Calling Park

 Summer of '94, In the peak heat of April, I managed to get tickets of Jurassic Park for the family, after standing in queue for few hours and to get better seats in the holiday rush at theatres and the rave reviews this movie had received, firing imaginations of the viewers globally and India. The 2.5 hrs we spent in the Park, was captivating and this transcended us into a different world and that stayed for few days, the following days our dining table conversations  centred around the discussions of Mammoths, Dinosaurs and huge parks to visit, the evolution and devolution of these Mammoths. I remember asking my self and family, whether we will get to see these in our lifetime. Cut to 2024, with Dalas based Colossal,  the biotech company actively working to reincarnate the ancient beast. Has received $60 million of funding and they are confident of de-exitinction of the woolly Mammoth and putting them back in Siberia and other places by 2027, this news article blew me and took me

Gated communities or Mini Nations

Few month's back, the city of Bangalore was shocked by the news of of a 10 year old loosing her life to electrocution while playing near the apartment swimming pool, because of loose wiring which was not attended by the facilities management team and the anger of  500 plus residents was on the volunteer Management Committee members, this led to an FIR being registered against the MC, facilities management team. Especially the anger centred on the President of the Management Committee, whom the residents blamed for delay in the repair of the loose wiring in-spite of repeated complaints. After a month of investigation, the police arrested the volunteer MC President, the property manager, the electrician and the plumbing staff. There has been similar incident of electrocution in an upscale Hyderabad apartment complex last year where a less than 10 year old boy, lost his life while playing and touch the pole which has loose wiring. The speed of urbanization and migration of people to c

Gene Drive, An Outside In view

I must admit, that In my entire life time, I have never deliberated about mosquitoes, their identity, importance, impact, and role in the world we live in. For me, they have been associated with vaccine, flu, malaria, dengue, COVID, Coil, repellent and Krantiveer* in this order While doing a team activity on Responsible Strategy on Gene drive in mosquitoes, to prevent and eradicate malaria, which still claims 59% lives effected by it, even after medicine being successful to control COVID which came much later. Gene drive is method by which the mosquitoes which spread malaria, are modified and released in concentrated areas by which when they mate the population of mosquitoes which cause malaria reduces/ eradicated. The point of deliberation, was is this ethical, should government take this up and drive it like COVID vaccination, what are economic impacts, what are ecological impacts, how will the society react to this, playing god role by science and technology. Altering the nature'